Restoration & Painting Workshop

By popular demand — We are bringing back the wonderful opportunity to create a square foot detail window that looks like an antique window, while learning the selection of glass and various painting techniques.

Join us for 6 sessions during which we will cover the steps involved in window restoration. You will learn the keys to creating a pattern by executing a rubbing, selecting the right glass, adding shading with paint, and then actually assembling your piece. Paint and firings are included in the cost. Students are responsible for all other supplies. Be aware that Fremont flashed glass works best for this antique recreation project.

You creation will be smaller than the example window, to ensure that you can complete the project within the workshop timeframe.

Bring: Cutting tools, soldering iron, flux, etc

Cost: $275.00 Limit: 10 students

Thursdays from 9 am to Noon, for 6 weeks:
5/30/24 through 7/4/2024